Holiday Baking


How can you not like this cake?

What is your absolute favorite thing to bake during the coming holidays? Got ideas in mind? Is a Pumpkin Pie or a batch of sugar cookies amongst them? Well when I think of my holiday baking I do with my family Pumpkin Pie is one of the top five and my version of sugar cookies is also there. My favorite by far is German Chocolate Cake. Some of you may have no idea what this cake is; well let me tell you that you should. Here is the recipe for this sumptuous cake.  Then there is Pumpkin Pie as I said and Red Velvet Cake. Then I have sugar cookies. Not just any sugar cookies but citrus sugar cookies with a homemade butter cream frosting. It is to die for. I cannot give you a recipe for I do not have one. My mom found the recipe out of a newspaper article and we decided to try the amazing treat. They are something I make whenever I need to bring food to a party or for my friends.

How this next thing is something that you can have during your thanksgiving dinner with the turkey or next to the ham at Christmas dinner or for desert at either of the two. It is called Sweet Potato Casserole. Smothered with marshmallows and sweeter than some of the things that we put out that are our actual deserts, my dad and brother will have this for dinner and dessert if they have their way.

My baking list for the holidays:

  1. German Chocolate Cake
  2. Pumpkin Pie
  3. Red Velvet Cake
  4. Citrus Sugar Cookies
  5. Sweet Potato Casserole
  6. Almond Crescents
  7. Pizzelle
  8. Raisin Puffs

The few last ones there you are probably wondering what they are, almond crescents are a cookie I make with my Nana every year that my uncle and I fight over. They are almond extract infused with slivers of almonds within sugar cookie dough; they are cooked for longer so they are harder and then once they are out of the over are covered with powder sugar. A pizzele is an Italian waffle cookie, very thin, buttery with anise infused and also covered with powder sugar. And raisin puffs are a raisin cookie, which are fluffy and are a mixture of allspice and cinnamon. These three are all childhood cookies that I make every year with my Nana and only her. The only reason she still makes Pizzeles is because I ask for them every single year.

I wanted to talk to someone who has had many, many more years of baking than I have, my Nana. The person who has taught me how to make many of those deserts and the other half she taught her daughter, my mother, who then taught me. Since I can remember I have been in the kitchen cooking or baking with one of those women, they are some of my greatest memories. When I was speaking to my Nana I asked if she could tell me something that not many people know about baking and she said “If you are making cookies and it calls for both brown sugar and granulated sugar, use all brown sugar. The sugar will be the same measurements just all brown sugar. If there is 1 1/2 cups of brown sugar and 1 cup of granulated sugar it will be 2 1/2 cups of brown sugar. This makes the cookies chewier This can only be done if the recipe asks for BOTH sugars though.” This is a very useful piece of information I think because people always wanted chewier cookies from what I have seen since I have been baking. Next time I bake cookies I will use this. In the recipe I use for Chocolate Chip cookies it calls for both sugars so I will try it for those. Will you try this?

What do you do during the holiday? What is your favorite thing to bake or your family tradition for baking? Let me know below!

Halloween Cookies!

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The cat halloween cookies I made

When you think of Halloween you probably think of dressing up in costumes, or going to a haunted house. Well when I think of Halloween I think of those things, I do, but before them I think of baking my favorite Halloween cookies. These cookies I am speaking of are made from the company Pillsbury and they make them for most major holidays, even the not so major like Valentine’s day. The ones with pictures on them? They can either have hearts or Christmas trees or for Halloween they have black cats, pumpkins and ghosts on them. Still don’t know what I am talking about? Well I will show you.
Now you know! I made these for my friends at school. They all loved them.

But what if you did not like cookies; you are more of a cup cake person. Well, I found this site that has some pretty awesome Candy Corn cupcakes that you can make. They look delicious. So you should just Click Here to check them out. And post down there what you think about them.

These cookies are probably the easiest thing to make and I bet most people will be happy to take them off your hands. I bought mine at the grocery store by my school. Make sure you look around for them because I passed by them the first couple times I went to look for them.

You will need:

  • Pillsbury cookies (your choice of picture or get all three!)
  • A cookie sheet
  • Spatula
  • Oven (usually heated to 375*)
  • Oven Mitt
  • Enjoy!

When I am home from school I always bake something for my friends for holidays, but since I am at school and do not have the time to do the whole baking thing or patience. So, instead I do this for them. It is my own little tradition when I am away from home.

What is some of your Halloween traditions? Tell me about them below.

Check out these other pictures from my baking time!

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